
Spiritual Education

Generally, spirituality is considered as a matter of belief. Well, this is a misconception, the spirituality is actually the experience of the almighty. Brahmavidya values, the practices defined by eternal vedas and Supreme Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan, lead us to this amazing enlightenment of realization of self and the almighty god.

  • Affection with Saintly Person – Having strong emotional bond & unconditional affection with real Saints & Devotees of God and willingness to serve them.
  • Faith – Having strong conviction & faith in Spiritual Scriptures & God as ultimate existence and shelter for souls.
  • Devotion –  Having immense love & affection for God with the devotional practices like chanting god’s name, listening to glories lila of God, singing kirtans, prayer, and service to God.
  • Atmanistha – Realizing oneself as mere Soul, detached from the body, as a humble Sevak of God.
  • Non-attachment – Developing a wisdom of detachment from materialistic objects and pursuits of woman, wealth, fame etc that are obtrusive to devotion of God.
  • Realization of God – Experiencing & feeling the blissful & divine form of God in reality.